Introduction and Disclaimer

Welcome to the program! I'm so happy to have you with us.

In this program you'll find 8 distinct yoga and meditation practices designed to help you gently stretch and strengthen your body and relax your mind.

Remember that this is YOUR practice, so always listen to your body and take any modifications as necessary. You do not need to practice every day if you do not feel up for it. Over time, you will discover which of these practices feel best to you on certain days, and you can come back to them as often as you would like.

Well done for honoring yourself and deciding to try something new. I look forward to meeting you on the mat!

See you there,


Disclaimer: The content (video, description, links, and comments) does not serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you feel pain at any time performing the exercise, or if you have difficulty performing them, stop immediately and see your physician or healthcare professional.

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