Are you looking to feel better, but you aren't sure what to do about it?

Do you worry about what your body can or cannot do?

Would you like to take back control of your body and life?

Then this program is just for you. It's been designed especially for Chronic Kidney Disease and Cancer patients, respecting mobility considerations and offering gentle alternatives depending on how YOU feel on different days. The program includes 8 exclusive high-quality classes of about 15 minutes each, which is more than enough time to help you change how you feel!

With the ideal combination of healing yoga and meditation styles, this program will help relieve your pain, give you a boost of flexibility, and release stress to help you honor yourself and be impressed with how much you can do!

Who Am I?

My name is Joëlle, and I'm here to help you feel and move better.

As a yoga and movement teacher, I specialize in teaching simple solutions for pain management, borne out of my own experience living with painful conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic hip bursitis. I've helped tens of thousands of people around the world live better within their own bodies, and surprise themselves with what they are capable of!

I created this program in collaboration with an international team of experts for patients just like you because I truly believe that Yoga is for EVERYONE, and that it's time for you too to take back control of how you feel.

I've poured everything I know into this course to make sure that you leave it feeling confident, stronger, more flexible, and proud of what you can accomplish!

By signing up you will get 8 exclusive high-quality, professionally-filmed yoga and meditation classes, including:

1) Morning Yoga to Start the Day Right and Energize the Body

Rise and shine and start your day out right! This gentle practice will get you moving in a healthy way, transitioning you and your body from sleep to waking.

2) Gentle Chair Yoga for Slow & Steady Movement

Chair yoga is a great way to feel how your entire body is doing and bring some additional flexibility and openness to the areas that need it the most. In this supported practice, we'll remain seated throughout.

3) Healing Yin Yoga for the Kidney Meridian

Yin yoga is one of the most soothing styles there is! In Yin, we hold deep stretches for a longer period of time, giving us the chance to sink into the sensation and the time our bodies need to release stagnation and relax.

4) Calming Meditation for Pain & Discomfort

This meditation is just for you whenever you would like some time to reflect or a little perspective on how you feel.

5) Standing Yoga for Balance and Focus

For those days when you don't have a yoga mat handy, or don't feel like getting down on the floor, this standing practice is perfect. Explore what you are capable of and be proud of yourself for all that you do.

6) Yin Yoga #2 - Deep Stretches to Feel Good

In our second yin yoga class, we'll explore some additional long-hold deep stretches to help you soothe and release your body and mind. This practice includes some of my favorite postures to help you feel good.

7) Chair Yoga for Mindful Movement

This second chair yoga practice is great for those days where you've got some additional energy and want to surprise yourself! It's a little more dynamic than our first chair yoga class, so perfect when you're ready for a challenge and a little fun!

8) Evening Yoga to Relax and Wind Down

Wind down and leave the day behind with this evening yoga practice that you can do right before bed, or earlier in the evening if you'd like to set a calming tone for yourself. It'll be perfect to close out the day and help you sleep.

Get Started Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the program?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have access to the whole program - on any devices you own - for as long as you want.

Do I need to have done yoga before to do this program?

Not at all! in fact, this gentle and accessible program is designed specifically to meet you where you're at, and there are different options for how you're feeling on different days. I'll provide modifications and suggestions throughout all of the classes. One of the most wonderful things about yoga is that it is for absolutely everyone!

Do I need any special equipment for this program?

No way! I recommend a comfortable surface to practice on, whether it is a yoga mat, a soft carpet, or even your bed. In addition, you'll want a chair for our chair yoga classes, and a few cushions and/or blankets for additional comfort in some of our restorative poses. No special equipment necessary!