About Me (and My Hips!)

My name is Joƫlle, and hip problems have pretty much defined my life! I was born with congenital hip dysplasia, a joint abnormality that affects less than 1% of babies. As a result, my earliest photos show me in a harness for the first year of my life.

While I learned to walk only a bit behind schedule, hip problems continued to plague me throughout adolescence. Then as an adult, I developed painful chronic hip bursitis, for which I tried EVERYTHING with limited success.

It wasn't until after I'd studied yoga, massage, and movement that I finally discovered the exercises and stretches that worked for MY hips to FINALLY loosen up and become pain-free. Now I'm on a mission to help others get the same results!

I've poured everything I know into this workshop to make sure that you leave it feeling confident that you too can have healthy hips!

What we'll cover

In this 90-minute yoga workshop, you'll learn the best movements and stretches for YOUR hips in order to finally free them up, helping you move more safely and confidently not only through your next yoga class, but also in your every day life.

So many of us talk about having "tight hips," but what does that REALLY mean? (Hint: It's not a one-size-fits-all answer!) We all have different anatomical structures and individual variances in flexibility and mobility. Learn the truth behind your personal limitations and what you can do about them!

Topics we'll cover include:

  • The four quadrants of the hip - and which ones may be holding YOU back
  • How "tight hips" can contribute to pain and discomfort in other parts of the body
  • What you should look for in a yoga class to cater to the needs of your body
  • The best movements and stretches for YOUR individual body to free up your hips!

This workshop includes a theory-based presentation and concrete exercises before concluding in a gentle yoga flow where we'll put what we've learned into practice.

After this workshop experience, your hips will feel better, stronger, and more open!

Gift yourself this experience and get your hips healthier than ever before!

Feedback from my previous workshops:

"That was one of my favorite sessions ever. I'll definitely return again and again. Thank you."

"What a wonderful workshop! I feel so much better after the yoga practice."