This 28-day program includes everything you need to find relief for your chronic pain through gentle movement and stretches in just minutes a day!

The program is designed to be encouraging and suitable for all levels, so no matter who you are or what you need, we will focus together on helping you feel your absolute BEST.

Hi, I'm Joëlle.

I was diagnosed with the chronic pain condition fibromyalgia as a teenager and have been living with it for over 25 years now. So if your own chronic pain has caused you to struggle in any way in your daily life, believe me - I know you feel!

I tried everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) to make myself feel better, and you know what finally did the trick? Gentle, regular exercise. But not just any exercise. The RIGHT kind of stretches and movement were just what I needed to bring that healthy feeling back into my body and hope back into my life.

Since becoming a yoga teacher, I've specialized in teaching simple solutions for pain management and just generally feeling better to students just like you.

And the best part is, just a few minutes a day can really make a difference. I'd love to help you discover how good YOU can feel... Meet me on the mat and let's get started!


Are you living with chronic pain and regularly dealing with other difficult symptoms such as fatigue and hopelessness? Are you looking for ways to live better and take back control of your own life?

Then this Yoga for Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia course is for you. I can confidently tell you from personal experience that gentle, regular exercise is one of the best things we can do for ourselves in both body and mind.

So if chronic pain or limited mobility has been holding you back, or if you feel like pain is keeping you from living the life you want, then you owe it to yourself to give the Chronic Pain Game Plan a try. It's an amazing way to gently and safely stretch and strengthen your body, decrease your chronic pain, and prove to yourself that you are in charge and capable of more than you might think!


This program includes the following:

  • A 28-day game plan calendar to guide you through the entire program, telling you exactly which practices to do on which day in order to optimize how you're feeling and rest when you need it

  • 7 exclusive core yoga classes designed especially for this program that you won't find anywhere else

  • These core classes have been created with YOUR needs in mind, and include seated and supine practices, morning and evening classes, a special slow-stretch yin yoga class, and so much more

  • Complementary bonus classes to supplement your core 7 practices and help make them even more effective

  • BONUS - A 10-minute Meditation for Chronic Pain to help you reframe the impact that chronic pain and fibromyalgia have on your life

  • BONUS - A 44-page eBook that breaks down the benefits and instructions for every single posture we'll be practicing together, so that you can review and better understand which postures feel best to you in your body.


These 7 exclusive practices will form the backbone of your 28-day program, along with other complementary classes and plenty of time for rest when you need it!

  • Class 1 - 10-minute Slow Yoga Flow: We'll start things out with a gentle flow to get us going and energize the body to build a strong foundation for the month ahead.
  • Class 2 - 10-minute Seated Chair Yoga Flow: Keeping our practice accessible to all, we'll explore the benefits of an entirely seated, very gentle practice.
  • Class 3 - 10-minute Supine Yoga Flow: Perfect for any day where pain or frustration may be getting us down, we'll move through a series of slow stretches and twists done entirely while lying on our back. You can even practice this whole session with your eyes closed.
  • Class 4 - 15-minute Morning Yoga Flow: We'll start our day off on the right foot, moving from lying down, to seated, to standing in this very slow practice. You could even start it lying on your bed with your eyes closed. Often times, living with chronic pain means that we start each day asking ourselves, "what will I be able to do today?" This class aims to help you answer that question with a positive attitude! Feel free to repeat this class as often as you would like to help wake up your body.
  • Class 5 - 15-minute Evening Yoga Flow: After a long day, we'll wind down and get the body and mind ready for a good night's rest, finishing on our backs with our eyes closed. This practice will allow us to take stock of the day and end it on a high note. Feel free to repeat this class as often as you would like to prepare for sweet dreams.
  • Class 6 - 20-minute Chair Yoga Flow: Building on our practice thus far, we'll take things up a notch, with a more dynamically-paced class that also includes some standing and balance poses, using our chair for support. You might be surprised at what you can do!
  • Class 7 - 30-minute Yin Yoga Practice: This special class is a creative sequence of postures designed to stretch out your body's connective tissues, giving your muscles a rest. Positive affirmations and encouragements will send you on your way, proud of yourself for what you have accomplished!

Get Started Now!

(Price includes all taxes)


"Joelle has changed so much for me in my life. As someone who lives with fibromyalgia, I can highly recommend this gentle and understanding course. I feel more worthy now."

  • Laura M.

"I suffer from severe fibromyalgia and had to go on permanent disability. Joelle has been the only one to give me confidence to do yoga and feel great after each session!"

  • Sandy N.

"I have been suffering for 10 years now, and Joelle's videos have helped me more than the chiropractor and masseuse I was seeing - and I'm saving money to boot! Thank you for all that you do."

  • Diana R.