In this two-hour workshop, you'll gain a better understanding of yourself, your body, and your mind to help you live life to the fullest. Together, we'll explore the most important stories we tell ourselves again and again ... are they true or false?

Tune in to who you really are by building confidence in body and mind, with a better understanding of your own priorities.

I'll take you through a one-hour yoga practice that will put you in touch with your body and how well it moves. We'll also have a guided meditation to help open your mind to what you're seeking, your hesitations, and your inner strength. Finally, we'll go through a reflection exercise to tie everything together and offer you clarity on your objectives, both present and future.

After this workshop experience, you will feel better, stronger, more confident, and more flexible!

Gift yourself this experience to feel and move better in body and mind!

"That was one of my favorite sessions ever. I'll definitely return again and again. Thank you."

"What a wonderful workshop! I feel so much better after the yoga practice."